St. Joseph Novena
March.10th - 18th
Memorare to St. Joseph
Remember, O St. Joseph, loving and
powerful protector, that according to the
testimony of your faithful servant, Great
St. Teresa, no one who is truly devoted to
you has seen his petition rejected. Filled
with this confidence and hope, I come to you,
worthy spouse of Mary Immaculate. Do
not close your ears to my prayers, you
who have the glorious title of Father of
Jesus, but hear it and present it for me to
Him Who has vouchsafed to be called your son. Amen.
St. Joseph,
Patron of the Universal Church,
pray for us.
March.10th - 18th
Memorare to St. Joseph
Remember, O St. Joseph, loving and
powerful protector, that according to the
testimony of your faithful servant, Great
St. Teresa, no one who is truly devoted to
you has seen his petition rejected. Filled
with this confidence and hope, I come to you,
worthy spouse of Mary Immaculate. Do
not close your ears to my prayers, you
who have the glorious title of Father of
Jesus, but hear it and present it for me to
Him Who has vouchsafed to be called your son. Amen.
St. Joseph,
Patron of the Universal Church,
pray for us.